Labels:crt screen | flash memory | memory | monitor | plant | tree OCR: Multimedia Music Games Vovetra The fun way to test MUSI QUIZ Vovetra your know ledge PUD build musical skills alhytan Master Voyetra Have fun as vou reinforce your know ledge of music with three video games that you can play on PURMER your PC Notor Blasto Vovetra Music Quiz TM Test your knowledge of general musical topics. FLRVER Note BlasterTm Read musical notes FLRUER and shoot them off the screen with the on-screen keyboard or an external keyboard Rhythm MasterTM Match rhythms you hear with what you see on Made Odell in Plaza U.S.A Yonkers byVoyetra NY 10701 Technologies 1406 screen. Phone 914.966.0600 Fax94 966. 102 BBS 914 996 1216 INTERNET: Minimum System Requirements: 486DX2/66o faster 8MBRAM 1 MB hard disk space VGA card and monitor ISBN AAn h? with 256.color ...